The sky over Saxony
World wars, resistance, reconstruction
The moving story of a quiet resister during National Socialism
A biography
Walther Hultsch was a charismatic and courageous man who made it his mission to help people during the National Socialist dictatorship. Wherever he could, he stood up for those who suffered at the hands of the Nazis, were persecuted or ostracized because of their political past. This fascinating biography is based on Walther Hultsch's diary entries and deals with his history in the german resistance to Nazism and his life as a counter-espionage specialist. It is a smal part of the history of the German attempts to overthrow Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The biography also offers a look back at his private life, which was characterized by his interest in art, music and culture.
The Story
Coming from a sheltered home, Walther Hultsch studied law in Leipzig and Munich and found a job with the police after the First World War. Here he was head of the department for art and culture in Saxony, where he met many well-known artists. He remained friends with many of them for a long time. He later became head of the counter-espionage unit in Saxony. In 1933, he was transferred to the Secret State Police (Gestapo), where he was deputy to the president. He was personally removed from the police force by Heinrich Himmler - Reichsführer SS and Chief of police - in 1934 and transferred to the district headquarters. As a military intelligence officer at the High Command of the Wehrmacht, Walther shared a duty room with Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony at the beginning of the Second World War. He is later sent on a counter-intelligence mission that takes him across Europe. During this time, he came to the attention of the American secret service, whose documents described Walther as a "very capable man", among other things. Through his acquaintance with the Saxon royal family, he had been in contact with the resistance since 1934. In the Abwehr, he had close contact with the people who carried out the assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944 - Major General Oster, General Fellgiebel, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler and others.
It is the moving story of a quiet resistance fighter who survived two world wars.
* 1890 Auerbach / Vogtland, Germany
† 1983 Moritzburg / Dresden, Germany
Dr. Karl Walther Hultsch. Oil on canvas, painted by Arno Drescher in 1923
Walther's companignos were
Prince Ernst Heinrich von Sachsen, Crown Prince Georg von Sachsen, Hans Meißner, Erich Kotte, Hugo Hahn, Conrad Felixmüller, Otto Dix, Rudolf Schramm-Zittau, Margarethe Siems, Max Lorenz, Rudolf Kolbe, Helga Kolbe, Erik Mailik, Richard Guhr, Fritz Steudtner, Hans Nadler, Wolfgang Rauda, Walter Henn, Oswin Hempel, Eberhard Hempel, Arno Drescher, Karl Timmler, Paul Paulsen, Georg Kiesau, Eberhard Hempel, Max Feldbauer, Herrmann Zumpe, August Winnig, Hans Oster, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, Otto Anstedt, Hugo Grille, Richard Müller, Christian Voß, Robert Bernhardt, Felix Mottl, Charlotte Basté, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Mutschmann, Friedrich Schlegel, Reinhard Heydrich, Friedrich Olbricht, Erich Fellgiebel, Oscar Reile, Suemasa Okamoto, August Winnig, Karl Binding, Ludwig Mitteis, Paul Wetzel, Karl Bücher, Gustav Schreck, Otto Mayer, Lujo von Brentano, Kathi Kobus, Hermann Groeber, Karl Lamprecht, Horst Göllnitz, Graf Pfeil, Walter Ufer, Ferdinand Dorsch, Graf Luckner and many more